Last 12 Months' Income$204,000
Last 12 Months' Expenses$186,000
Annual Net Profit$18,000
Included Assets$100,000
Growth TrajectoryGrowing
Years in Operation3-5 years
Daily Operations Staffed
Remaining Time on LeaseLease 5+ years

Business & Space Overview

A beautiful 7,500 square foot coworking space literal steps away from an L stop in one of Chicago’s hottest neighborhood. This is a newer space with 7 years left on the lease.

Q Highlights

Steps to train, located within popular neighborhood. Target, Starbucks, dining options, bars, all within walking distance.

Q Operations

Staffed by full time operations manager.

Q Marketing

Zero marketing budget.

Q Financials

Furniture loan to be paid off in event of acquisition. This would automatically result in adding $2,000/mo to net income.

Q Growth strategy

This location can accommodate additional offices which would sell at a premium (large windows, facing street)

Q Seller

Seller is open to selling just this location, or all 3.

Notes from DenSwap: "Beautiful space that needs an updated floor plan with offices. It's a newer space that a new owner can transform for their brand or culture."

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