potential in your portfolio.
DenSwap makes coworking and flex space work for you. We leverage industry-leading analytics and research to find market opportunity across the US - and in your building.
will succeed through data
DenSwap combines market research data used by Starbucks, Target, and Chick-fil-a to plan their next location, customer search and trend data from Silicon Valley, and traditional CRE data metrics used by brokers to form an accurate prediction of audience and opportunity on a block-by-block level.
Consumer Market Research
We've identified 67 customer personas based on job type, commute, company, money habits, etc. Each persona is scored based on their likelihood to join your space and what they'll pay for.
Online Trend & Search Data
We utilize real-time trend and search data from online platforms to predict when decisionmakers are looking for space, and how to best position your property for maximum occupancy.
Commercial Real Estate Data
We analyze traditional CRE data to leverage the data you're familiar with, but contextualized for today's modern CRE market - complete with potential revenue and occupancy of your space.
We know coworking. For the past 10 years, DenSwap's team of coworking consultants have helped communities grow. We’ve even started spaces of our own. It's an exciting time to be in coworking - and through it all, we'll be here to assist the next generation of property owners, coworking operators, and newcomers create the future of coworking.
"The flex space market has moved well beyond the traditional model of co-working and is now driving real and tangible change in the wider market. The appetite for flexible space offers opportunities to fuel demand in prime locations and decrease vacancy in some weaker portfolios."
Alex Colpaert
Head of Offices Research, JLL

"After only four months in operation, we exceeded our expectations and reached our annual goal."
The developers of SOMO Village partered with DenSwap to build a thriving and profitable workspace as the ultimate amenity for their new $1 billion, 200-acre residential redevelopment in Sonoma County.
See how DenSwap helped build SOMO CoworkWe'd love to talk.
If you are involved with coworking in any way - we want to talk to you. Reach out to us with what you're up to, and let's work together to build something amazing.