Last 12 Months' Income$534,344
Last 12 Months' Expenses$431,079
Annual Net Profit$103,265
Included Assets$99,089
Growth Trajectory Stable
Years in Operation3-5 years
Daily Operations Staffed
Neighborhood Urban
Remaining Time on Lease Lease 0-5 years

Business & Space Overview

This community has now existed for 7+ years and under my ownership for the previous 2+ years. Winning awards in design aesthetic and tapping into the evolving city-scape, it remains a pace-setter for both independently owned spaces and enterprise spaces alike. Blending community focused programming with enterprise level productivity has allowed us to grow and see limitless potential. The unique location provides access to world class amenities for members (99+ walk score) and to every big firm and group for any member to connect with. Being a moderately sized space 11,000 sq. Ft allows enough space for a multi-used space and poised for expansion. Due to my relationship with the building owner/property manager, the rent structure that I have set up allots for rent pricing well below market and the opportunity to grow a presence in one of the best areas in the world.

Q Business Highlights

Strong blend of community-focused atmosphere with enterprise level services. We are eclectic in the types of industries represented by members and by the size (time) in business, from solo-entrepreneurs to large enterprises. We are have a consistent and positive relationship with world impacting organizations and provide the same accessibility to first time business owners.

Q Daily Operations

We currently have 2 part-time staff manage our physical space from Open to Close of the day. While they manage the amenities and upkeep of the space (meeting rooms, coffee, daily communications, etc.) our salaried Full-time Community Manager has time to foster relationship building, manage sales, create programming and building partnerships.

Q Marketing

We have done ZERO marketing (outside of Social Media posts highlighting events) in our area and have relied on the 7+ years of good will curated in our city to encourage organic growth. Most indirect marketing comes from 3rd party Meeting room bookings and 3rd events hosted in our space. There is so much potential for any marketing team coming in and establishing a stronger presence.

Q Financials

Our three major sales funnels are: 1. Membership (hot desks, monthly dedicated desks, office space) 2. Third party meeting room bookings 3. Event bookings.

We are moderately priced relative to the current coworking market and real estate costs of our area. Because we have provided value-driven cost first, it has allowed us to build a base of long term memberships. As we raise the “value” of our brand, prices should be able to grow with it. Our top expenses are rent and payroll and can easily be offset with more streamlined and established processes and team.

Q Opportunities for growth

Our space and brand is both established and a blank slate. This space would fare any first-time owner well but would explode with more growth from a pre-existing brand! The space can use more refinement in its offerings as well as its design. Having done no marketing, giving any attention to this will provide an exponentially positive ROI.

Q About the Seller

I have a background in hospitality, real-estate and non-profit management. While this business has allotted me so many opportunity to exercise my creativity, I continue to look to focus my skill sets and broaden my experiences further. The desire to sell is multi-fold, but primarily has to do with my personal health taking a down-turn as well as managing the health of my family. I look to smaller endeavors and to grow as part of a pre-existing team in the future after running this business.

Notes from DenSwap: "A strong community and corporate members in a hot neighborhood give this underutilized space a strong foundation. There is a clear path to triple profitability with a few new office build outs." Download space analysis & profit model PDF