Last 12 Months' Income$497,946
Last 12 Months' Expenses$181,539
Annual Net Profit$316,407
Included Assets$370,000
Growth Trajectory Stable
Years in Operation3-5 years
Daily Operations Staffed
Neighborhood Urban
Remaining Time on Lease Lease 0-5 years

Business & Space Overview

Our space was born with productivity and high speed Internet at the forethought. Working with an accomplished local interior designer and a custom furniture designer, we transformed a former dance studio into a well designed workplace to ‘get working’ that ‘gets working.’ Over the years it has turned into one of Austin’s most vibrant coworking spaces for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and professional businesses. Our space has an excellent community and maintains close to maximum occupancy. We have a phenomenal reputation for a great place to work and high speed gigabit per second fiber.

Q Business Highlights

* high end eclectic design
* marzocco espresso machine
* complimentary snacks, coffee, espresso, beer on tap, wine
* free parking
* on the outer bubble of downtown a quick scoot away
* high walkability to many great restaurants, bars, and cafes
* close to zilker park, festivals, barton springs pool
* uniquely Austin