Last 12 Months' Income$15,375
Last 12 Months' Expenses$28,000
Annual Net Profit$-12,625
Included Assets$38,109
Growth Trajectory Stable
Years in Operation1-2 years
Daily Operations Owner-managed
Neighborhood Urban
Remaining Time on Lease Lease 0-5 years

Business & Space Overview

This is a coworking space prepared for growth. It has a strong foundation and community of support that is ready to grow with experienced operators. Take advantage of the groundwork we have already laid in building the community of support around the space, obtaining the space, business license, furnishings and decor. Located in a near western urban suburb of Chicago accessible by public transportation, primed to be a force in the local community if you want to head in that direction with little to no competition.

Q Daily Operations

The space is easy to run day-to-day. It can be set-up to be unstaffed with a keypad. We, as owners, currently staff it daily during open business hours. Easy to maintain furnishings and easy to keep clean.

Q Marketing

We have done little marketing to date with most of our business coming from word of mouth and growing organically. There is huge growth potential for someone who is willing to take on marketing and running of the space.

Q Financials

While the financials on their face don't paint a rosy picture, we are within striking distance of breakeven and profiting. The last quarter we were down on average only $1000 a month, which could easily be made up with only 6 more members at our current rates or a few more space rentals.

Q Opportunities for Improvement

We have a solid base of support and our core members are loyal. We also have community support and engagement. We have not put time or effort into increasing our membership or renting out the space and believe strongly that someone coming in who can focus on marketing and nurturing the space would have great success in growing the business.

Q About the Seller

We started the business in 2019 because we love coworking and we wanted to provide a space for our community to come together. There is a need for this type of space here, but because of where we are in our lives we don't have the time to dedicate to supporting and growing the space.

Notes from DenSwap: "A beautiful neighborhood space, ideal for an owner-operated small business."