Total Square Feet16100
Office Occupancy
Desk Occupancy
Last 12 Months' Income$
Last 12 Months' Expenses$
Annual Net Profit$0
Included Assets$80
Growth TrajectoryGrowing
Years in Operation5+ years
Daily Operations Staffed
Remaining Time on LeaseLease 5+ years

Business & Space Overview

This coworking space is located in central Manhattan on the bustling 25 West 39th Street. On more than 16,100 square feet, this is an exciting opportunity to take over an existing coworking space, keep it’s members,  it’s furniture, and instantly expand in Manhattan.

In 2019, the space generated over $876,000 in membership revenue and nearly $8,000 in event revenue. The space survived COVID and has a strong foundation of members to build on as the coworking industry roars back. It is looking for a new operator to take the over space with a new lease.

This is a great way to expand into one of the world’s hottest coworking markets without have to buy furniture, build out offices, and hope for the first few customers. If you are an experienced operator then this is an opportunity to instantly grow.

Q What's a takeover coworking space?

A 'takeover' space is when a new operator signs a new lease with the landlord and inherits the existing assets and members. No debt is transferred over and the new operators instantly launches a new location. This is helpful to the former operator because it allows them to exit their current lease obligations as their future plans and strategy changes.

Q What's the lease rate?

The new operator will negotiate new lease terms that accurately reflect the current market conditions.

Q Who is best positioned to takeover the space?

The new operator should have experience operating a shared workspace. The space is beautifully designed and furnished, and it is ready for a financial comeback this summer and fall.

Q Do I really get all of the furniture for free?

Yes, the space is only a few years old and it was professionally designed. You get all of the art, the desks, and equipment. It's a fully operational coworking space.

Q What are the next steps?

You should contact the existing operator through the DenSwap message platform to your right. You can ask for further information about the current revenue, new lease terms, and next steps. The DenSwap team is always here to help as well.

Notes from DenSwap: "NYC is going to come back strong this fall. The space is beautifully designed and in a great neighborhood. For operators that have strong processes, this should be a turnkey space."