Last 12 Months' Income$156,744
Last 12 Months' Expenses$138,000
Annual Net Profit$18,744
Included Assets$80,000
Growth TrajectoryGrowing
Years in Operation1-2 years
Daily Operations Staffed
Neighborhood Urban
Remaining Time on Lease Lease 0-5 years

Business & Space Overview

Don’t start from scratch! We’re a vibrant, diverse community of 100+ individuals and small teams, so you can start your new coworking space with a built-in revenue stream!

Our space is 4,850 sq. ft. and located in the heart of the trendy Logan Square neighborhood. Our goal with the space is to provide a local, convenient, affordable, professional workspace for the neighborhood – close to where you live and with the ability for you to meet your neighbors and get connected to your local community. The end result is an intensely loyal group of friends and coworkers that love working together, and love working at our space.

Q Opportunity for Growth

There is plenty of space to build offices in our large open workspace, without affecting the existing membership base. You could likely build 2-3 offices at least, to start, without having a big impact on the current operations. This is a great opportunity for you to have your own coworking space that is fully functional, without having to start from scratch and do it all your self! Or, this is an easy move for an existing operator to expand to additional neighborhoods or markets.

Q Location and Market

We are perfectly located in a popular neighborhood, within walking distance of a major train line and multiple bus lines. Free street parking is also available in the immediate vicinity. Being outside of the downtown area, but in a popular residential neighborhood, we don’t have any competition that does what we do!

Q Daily Operations

The space is run like a well-oiled machine already! We have a manager, and a well trained team of member-managers.

Q About The Seller

We are looking to sell our coworking space because we have a consulting agency that has grown quickly and needs our full-time attention. We love coworking and want to see our existing space continue to thrive, but as owners we need to focus on our consulting agency as our next stage in our careers.

Notes from DenSwap: "This is a turnkey coworking space with staff, a strong community, in a fast growing neighborhood. It has a clear path for growth with the right investment for build-out that will help you return your money faster."