Total Square Feet3000
Office Occupancy
Desk Occupancy50%
Last 12 Months' Income$65,000
Last 12 Months' Expenses$54,000
Annual Net Profit$11,000
Included Assets$20,000
Growth TrajectoryGrowing
Years in Operation5+ years
Daily Operations Owner-managed
Neighborhood Urban
Remaining Time on Lease Lease 0-5 years

Business & Space Overview

The coworking space is a well established facility, the first co working space established in Portland back in 2005. Prior to the pandemic it operated consistently at 80% occupancy with long term clients. The building was designed by award winning architect and boast an open floor plan with tons of natural light and fresh air.

Q Highlights

This neighborhood coworking space is located on the second floor of a beautiful building, set off Fremont and 45th in the heart of the Beaumont Village neighborhood. Surrounded by bars, restaurants, coffee shops, shopping and fitness studios the co working space is in a residential neighborhood. Most members live within a mile or two of the property.
The current configuration offers 25 desk spaces, a conference room, patio, kitchen and shower.

Q Daily Operations

As the owner/operator of the spaceI spend roughly 3 hours a week on general upkeep. The majority of members are long-term with relatively low turnover. We host monthly lunches for members and a happy hour now and again.

Q Marketing

We are lucky to do very little marketing and people find us and want to work with us. We have an Instagram account, we are a part of the neighborhood business association, and have excellent reviews on Google. I believe with some effort given to marketing, membership would increase significantly.

Q Financials

The space has historically run at about 70% capacity with little or no marketing. Prior to the pandemic, it was closer to 85% capacity. We've slowly increased membership since the end of 2020 and are now at 50%. We get inquiries 1-3 times a week for people interested in renting a desk with a conversion rate of 1-2 people a month.

Notes from DenSwap: "This is a great space for a local looking to get into coworking or a local agency or startup that wants to be part of a coworking space and offset their office expenses by putting it inside a coworking space they own."