No more theory or generic advice.
We’ll make actual recommendations with real numbers.

As a coworking marketplace and matchmaking service, we’ve assessed hundreds of coworking businesses in the US as they’re about to expand their chain, cash out, or throw in the towel. We have a close and personal perspective on what it takes to thrive in the coworking industry, and we see common mistakes pop up in the planning & buildout stage that wastes tens of thousands of dollars and potentially dooms the coworking space from the start.

Our 90-minute call is designed for you to avoid those mistakes. If you’re a first-time operator or a property owner looking to fill your space with coworking, there’s not a lot of how-to guides out there. Most entrepreneurs build out their space with a combination of emulating similar spaces and gut instinct, and then spend the first year or two fixing mistakes, reconfiguring spaces, and trying new ad campaigns. We’ll jump on a call and try to preemptively fix as many of those future issues as possible. (No, that additional training room probably won’t make as much money as you think, it’d be better to make that four offices – etc.)

In other words – for the cost of a $500 consulting call, we’ll make sure you don’t overspend by $50,000 on your buildout. We’ve seen too many coworking spaces spend five years paying off buildout & furniture debt that they had to scrap in the first year because it wasn’t working, and we don’t want that to happen to you.

What We’re Offering

A honest conversation with experienced coworking operators and expert consultants for property owners and coworking entrepreneurs.

We’ll answer questions, double-check your assumptions, and check for obvious pitfalls. With the remaining time, we can run through questions of our own and make sure your bases are covered.

Common Topics

  • Office Size Recommendations and Numbers
  • What amenities should you actually spend money on
  • What type of furniture you should by
  • Coworking Software Recommendations
  • Pricing and Membership Structure
  • Staffing recommendations
  • Coworking Post-COVID

Book Now

If possible, pick a time a few days out to give us time to send you the invoice and review your space details before the call.

Schedule your consulting call

For this personal bootcamp, bring your business model and pressing questions. Send us your floor plan, pricing information, and anything you have for us to review before the call.

Other questions? Get in touch.

If you’ve got any questions, reach out to us at and let us know what you’re working with. If it doesn’t sound like you’d benefit from the call, we’ll say so and point you in a better direction.

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